Wayfair UK challenge was to ‘Have a campaign that gets people taking and most importantly recalling Wayfair as the #1 destination for all things home'. 

Along with awareness bring trust into the brand.
Go Your Own Way
The brand campaign for UK Market captures the uniqueness of the selection. A place where you can make your home reflecting your personality.  

Build brand familiarity > Showcase range and quality > Optimise existing customer base
Worked with BBH London for the brand campaign and the TV Ad. Ensuring the global
brand guidelines are respected, the categories and products featured are meeting the business needs. And cascading the visual direction of the campaign for the marketing channels - Website, Email, Performance marketing, Social Media, Display Ads, PR and Print. 
The following toolkit was developed prior launching the brand campaigns, to create 
a brand familiarity and consistency for the EU audience, respecting the global brand -
colours to typography. The pinwheel from the logo is used to frame our assets and
have as a recognisable graphic element. Leaving enough room to localising storytelling
for UK and DE markets.
Alles vom Deinsten
Wayfair DE wants to set itself apart from the local big competition. With it's wide selection of high-quality products, it can be a place for everyone to find the perfect piece to create that distinctive, authentic home feeling. 
Alles vom Deinsten is the German campaign showing the brand in a humorous and ironic way. We want everyone to feel
comfortable in their homes and with their tastes. With Wayfair's broad selection and best quality especially for YOU. 

empowering • authentic • mindful • humorous • emotional 
The campaign concept and TV ad created by JvM. The below assets utilise the imagery from the shoot with the internal brand book designed to fleshed the concept onto website and email assets, display ads and content on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube. Apart from that OOH assets all over Germany. 
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