Biggest Clearance Campaign of the Summer season for Wayfair's UK and DE market. Concept creation to Asset production for multiple marketing channels.
Overarching theme of summer on a beach, breaking up the idea and a month long campaign into three phases. 

Using majority warm colour to depict the hot month and promotional time. Balancing with blues, yellows and whites to bring that freshness and cool element of the pool. The narrative progresses from a pool deck to beach side and sunset in the sand, so does the colour scheme which is taken over by red monotones. 

Keeping in mind the best practices and past learnings, went in will all graphic treatment, illustrated and added motion graphics to create more impact. With a custom font to fit in with the illustration style, providing enough contrast and legibility against the detailed background. Each element is a component by itself, which gives the flexibility to re-arrange the layout based on the specs for various marketing assets effortlessly.
The campaign was live on the Websites, Email, Social and other marketing channels. 
And one of the top-performers amongst the Tier-1 campaigns of 2019. 
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